Who Has to Leave the House in a Divorce in Illinois?

If you are preparing to divorce your spouse, you may be wondering, “Who has to leave the house in a divorce in Illinois?” During a divorce, people naturally have strong feelings about who gets to keep the house and who has to leave while the divorce is finalized. There are many factors that can determine […]
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How Is Property Divided in Illinois?

When a couple decides that they no longer wish to stay married, it can be difficult to determine how the marital property will be divided between the two. If you are facing a divorce in Illinois, you likely have many questions that leave you wondering, “how is property divided in Illinois?”   Marital property is […]
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How Long Do You Have to Wait to Get a Divorce in Illinois?

While the decision of whether or not to divorce can be a difficult and emotional one, only one party needs to make the decision. Provided you have been a resident of Illinois for at least 90 days, the state will grant your request for a dissolution of marriage. However, while being granted a divorce petition […]
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How Mediation Is Beneficial in the Illinois Divorce Process

Divorce is never simple. There are often both emotional and financial stresses to consider, and you might find it nearly impossible to resolve disputes with your partner. With tensions running high, you might not want to make things worse with an arduous litigation process. Instead, you could choose mediation and give yourself more control over […]
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Illinois Parental Responsibility Law

When you are a parent, one of your primary goals is to ensure that your children are healthy and safe, with all of their needs met. Unfortunately, not all parents are willing or able to fulfill that responsibility, and their children end up causing harm to people or damage to their property. Some states, including […]
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Understanding the Difference Between Marital Property and Non-Marital Property in an Illinois Divorce

Couples do not enter into a marriage thinking that it will end someday. They build lives and memories together, founded on love. Through the course of these experiences, they acquire assets with the intent that this life they are creating is forever. Unfortunately, not all couples survive the speed bumps and obstacles along the way, […]
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Benefits to Creating a Postnuptial Agreement in Illinois

Planning for your life is important when you are getting married. You want to ensure that you can create a stable home with your new spouse. It is important to consider budget and expense needs, living requirements, plans for children, and many other details. One thing that many couples may not plan for is the […]
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What To Do if Your Spouse Is Recklessly Spending Money Before Your Divorce

Divorce can be an overwhelming experience, and the process can be difficult to understand and navigate. To complicate matters, one spouse may begin to recklessly spend money before the divorce is finalized. While divorce can be an emotionally charged time for both spouses, they are required to abstain from reckless spending that negatively impacts their […]
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Understanding the Divorce Process in Illinois

Divorce can be a very complicated process if it is a contested case, especially if children are involved. If you are facing a divorce in Illinois, it is best to understand the process, as it can make it easier to proceed. To file for divorce in Illinois, at least one spouse must reside in Illinois […]
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What Is a Wife Entitled to in a Divorce in Illinois?

There are many challenges that come with a divorce. The process is complicated, and emotions are often very high. The financial instability that comes with separation, in addition to the costs of divorce, can worsen these feelings. Understanding the process of divorce, in or out of court, could make it less stressful. If you are […]
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How Long Does Divorce Take in Illinois?

Going through a divorce is an emotional process that is rarely simple. Because of this, many people who are thinking about getting divorced or who have just begun the process find themselves wondering how long it will all take. Divorce Types and How Long They Last How long your divorce actually takes will depend on […]
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Do Both Parties Have To Agree to a Divorce in Illinois?

Divorce is never an easy process, but when your spouse refuses to agree to a divorce in Illinois, it can feel like you are stuck in a helpless scenario, unable to move forward. Not only does this inflict further emotional frustrations and trauma as you try to file for divorce and start a new life, […]
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