Joliet Family Lawyer


The family court system is the branch of the civil court system that manages legal matters among family and household members. Family law cases tend to be emotionally charged in many ways. This is one of the most important reasons why it is crucial to have reliable legal representation from an experienced Joliet, IL family law attorney when facing any type of family law matter.

Vahey Law & Mediation, LLC provides compassionate and comprehensive legal counsel to Joliet, IL area clients facing all types of family law cases. Whether you are fighting for custody of your children or simply need legal counsel as you navigate a divorce, we can help.

Why Choose Vahey Law & Mediation

It’s essential to find a reliable Joliet, IL family law attorney no matter what kind of family law matter you currently face. The team at Vahey Law & Mediation believes in providing detail-oriented and client-focused legal counsel in every case we represent. We will do everything we can to handle the procedural steps of your case and provide detailed regular updates. That way, you can focus on your life with peace of mind that your case is in capable hands.

Why Do I Need an Attorney?

Even if your current family law matter seems perfectly clear and straightforward, countless possible things could complicate it. While you might assume that handling your case yourself would save you money on legal fees, the average person with no legal training or experience would likely face significant challenges as they attempt to navigate the complex family court system.

Choosing an experienced Joliet, IL family law attorney to represent your case is an investment in the success of your case. Your attorney can help you with fact-finding and detailed research to support your position, locate witnesses and relevant experts who can provide valuable insights, and help you prepare for mandatory hearings and court appearances.

Cases We Handle

You can rely on Vahey Law & Mediation, LLC to provide the legal counsel you need for a wide range of family law matters in the Illinois family court system, including:

  • Dissolution of marriage. If you and your spouse are ready to divorce, require a legal separation, or need to annul an illegitimate marriage, our firm is ready to assist you. Your divorce case will likely involve complex property division proceedings and involve child custody determination if you and your spouse have children. The divorce process can be messy in many ways, but you can trust your Joliet, IL family law attorney to guide you through the process as swiftly and efficiently as possible.
  • Prenuptial contracts. These documents can provide a marrying couple with financial stability and peace of mind as they begin their marriage. While some people think that suggesting a prenuptial agreement is a sign of a lack of faith in the marriage’s ability to last, the reality is that a prenuptial agreement can encourage a couple to have difficult conversations before their marriage that foster better communication between them in the future. Our team can help you and your fiancée draft a functional and legally enforceable prenuptial contract that provides both of you with peace of mind.
  • Child custody. One of the most difficult cases any parent can experience in the family law system is a child custody determination. If you must fight for custody of your children, our team will do everything we can to establish your ability as a parent and provider. We work to ensure your custody determination aligns with relevant state laws. In the event you need to adjust an existing custody order, we can assist with this as well.
  • Parentage. Many unmarried parents encounter paternity-related issues. This may include a parent who is not the biological father of a child being compelled to pay child support or a biological unmarried parent seeking custody rights. When you need a court-ordered paternity test for any reason, our team will ensure it happens swiftly and accurately.
  • Guardian ad Litem. Children have the right to have a say in a custody determination. A Guardian ad Litem is an individual responsible for conveying a child’s beliefs, preferences, and interests to the court.
  • Mediation. Litigation is not the only way to settle a divorce. Mediation has grown incredibly popular because it can save time, money, and stress while also maintaining privacy and keeping the outcome of a divorce case more firmly within your control.
  • Property Division. Illinois upholds an equitable distribution law for property division during divorce. Many people believe that this law requires the court to divide marital property equally, but the court’s definition of “equitable” does not always mean 50/50.

No matter what family law services you require, Vahey Law & Mediation, LLC can provide the reliable counsel you need and help you secure the most positive possible results.

What to Expect From Your Joliet Family Law Attorney

Any family law case has the potential to become a complex legal issue. When you choose Vahey Law & Mediation, LLC to represent you, you can rely on us to provide detail-oriented representation through every phase of your case. We begin with an initial consultation during which our team will get to know you and your situation to help us determine the best legal path forward. Your Joliet, IL family law attorney can also connect you with expert witnesses, including medical experts, social workers, and forensic accountants who can potentially assist you in building and supporting your case.

Any family law case has the potential to take months or even years to resolve, and the quality of your legal representation will have a profound impact on your overall experience with the court system. At Vahey Law & Mediation, LLC, our goal is to guide you through your family law matters as quickly as possible and to ensure the outcome aligns with state laws and your best interests.

Find Your Attorney Today

Vahey Law & Mediation, LLC provides experienced and compassionate legal counsel for a full range of family law matters. If you are ready to discuss your legal options, our team is available to assist you. Contact us today and schedule a consultation with a reliable Joliet, IL family law attorney.


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